Coconut Palm Body and SoulWork of Edinburg Virginia.
We talk about what your body is feeling like, and what is important to you, today; and I use whatever skills/tools I need to resolve the issues that you present to me today. I may use any combination of Swedish, Deep Tissue and Myofascial Release, as seems suitable. If you would like I can use Hot Stones or Bellabacci Cups.
Massage is healthy for you. Massage increaces cirucation in the body and helps releave muscle pains without medication. It is good to take some time out of your busy life for just you.
I work by appointments, mostly on Friday and Saturday. Let me know when you are ready to experience the benifits of massage!
Please call 540-383-6042.
Thanks goes out to Mark Barreres of for helping me get the word out about my massages service in Shenandoah County VA.
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Join us at the BEST of the Shenandoah Valley at - Our goal is to provide a platform that allows small businesses in the Shenandoah Valley to get FREE websites and to advertise directly to consumers at little to no cost.
If you want a massage appointment please call 540-383-6024. Massage helps relieve muscle pain without drugs, it also speeds recovery from workouts through increasing the circulation of blood through the muscle.
I have heard that Bob Hope had a massage every day. Maybe that is why he lived so long.
According to the National Chronic Pain Outreach Association more than 30 million people suffer from chronic pain. The effectiveness of massage therapy for pain management lies in its holistic approach by focusing on the entire body and its relationship to soft tissue pain.
A monthly massage is good for those who want a massage on a regular basis. When addressing an ongoing problem area a massages two to three times a week helps the relief progress faster.
Often times people are stressed from everyday life in our culture. Stress-related disorders make up between 80-and-90 percent of the ailments that bring people to family-practice physicians. Massage reduces heart rate, lowers blood pressure, increases blood circulation and lymph flow, relaxes muscles, improves range of motion, and increases endorphins (enhancing medical treatment). It also stimulates weak, inactive muscles which help compensate for the lack of exercise and inactivity resulting from illness or injury. It also quicken recovery from exercise or injury.
Join us at the BEST of the Shenandoah Valley at - Our goal is to provide a platform that allows small businesses, artists, web designers and web promoters in the Shenandoah Valley to advertise directly to consumers at little to no cost.