Its time to experience the blends of France! If you are familiar with French wine regions, then you may look at the wines listed and already have an idea of what grapes make up each of these wines, if not, it may be difficult to know what we have in store for this wine dinner, but thats all part of the fun, trying new styles of food and finding new wines we love!
In the US, it is more common to purchase a wine based on its varietal, but in France, it is customary to purchase a wine based on region. So in Virginia, you may purchase a Pinot Noir or Merlot, but in France you would purchase a Burgundy or Pomerol. So why put the place on the label rather than the name of the grape? The answer is terroirthe wines expression of the place from where it came. Terroir encompasses everything from climate, soil type, aspect of the vineyard and anything else that differentiates one area of land from another.
Generations of French winemakers have learned that certain grapes not only grow best in particular regions, but can complement each other and combine to make a whole that is better than the sum of its parts. Different qualities from each grape play an important role in the actualization of the wine.
The real joy of blends is that theyre delicious and there is something for everyone in the bottle! Robert Crum, of Roanoke Valley Wine Company, will be joining us to share his knowledge of French blends and to give us a heightened tasting experience. We hope youll be able to join us for this stellar wine dinner!
Ashley Esposito, Manager
Emilio Amato, Owner
Emilios Italian Restaurant
23 East Beverley St. Staunton, VA
Space is always limited and reservations are required.
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