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Topic: Smoking ban in Virginia soon? ITS ABOUT TIME!!!

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Smoking ban in Virginia soon? ITS ABOUT TIME!!!

Many people develop headaches, heart palpitations, nausea and dizziness when they eat sugar or anything with high fructose corn syrup, report feeling tired, bloated, nauseous when they eat meat or saturated fats, especially fatty meats processed with nitrates and feel less energetic or alert when they eat processed foods or who feel nervous, shaky and irritable when they drink something with an artificial sweetener in it and develop rashes and congestion when they eat or drink various foods or who feel depressed and fatigued when they eat refined white flour or carbohydrates.

That is NOT just a run-on sentence! It's a FACT OF LIFE for many today!

The food scientists making us sick!!!

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The food scientists making us sick!!!

you tell them!!!

I think it has to do with the chemicals they put in the food. People get sort of addicted to this stuff and it's difficult for them to stop eating it, even though they know it's bad for them. These corporations are evil.

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Smoking ban in Virginia soon? ITS ABOUT TIME!!!

ok smoking is out of the way! What next?
Let's go after Fast Food!!!

Thanks in large part to fast food, half of America's adults and one-quarter of its children are obese. Another disadvantage is that fast food restaurants are in constant fear of lawsuit against them. For example, Caesar Barber is sewing McDonald's, Burger King, Wendy's and KFC because they jeopardized his health with their greasy, salty fare and because they did not explain to him the dangers of fast food.

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hey the kids are still being marketed to start smoke!

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Mark your calendar for the next Kick Butts Day, Wed., March 24, 2010

Kick Butts Day is back, with new opportunities to take action in 2010!

On March 24, thousands of youth in every state and around the world will STAND OUT SPEAK UP and SEIZE CONTROL AGAINST BIG TOBACCO.

smokers are GROSS

What an opportunity for you.  Imagine if instead of avoiding these places and complaining about them, you opened up your own bar/bowling alley and made it non-smoking?
Right now you would be sitting in tall cotton and complaining about the ban, because it would cost you your business.  Now your "feature attraction" is neutralized, and the older bowling alleys that don't cost as much to run as your new one does, can undercut your business and you will go bankrupt.  By the way I am a non-smoker and seek to find these places all the time.  This is what happens when government decides that it is their job to police personal choices.

I am a non-smoker, and personally cannot stand it, but in the Constitution, man's "natural rights" are to be protected, that means that the government should keep its
"grubby little hands" out of public affairs, unless direct harm is being caused to another, and since "second hand smoke" hasn't been proven to cause anything but coughing(and perhaps an asthma attack in those prone), that isn't really justification for the law.
So although we are on completely different grounds in what we like, we agree that the Constitution should be the "guiding rod" for making these decisions, and well, there simply isn't anything in it to allow for such a law.  I find it sad and disgusting that all of the "lawyers" that we send to Richmond(and DC for that matter) simply cannot understand the simplicity of the Constitution.  I believe that the founding fathers wanted as little government as possible, just enough to keep society from going into anarchy, well, we are way past that one, and getting closer to fascism or socialism everyday.
I suggest that you find your local Tea Party and join them.  You wont agree on everything(who does), but you will agree on principals more often than you think. 
I say BACK to the CONSTITUTION, if it worked for 150 years, it will work today!

I find this debate interesting.........lets debate about the freedoms we allow others.  This is NOT AN ISSUE FOR THE GOVERNMENT to handle.  This decision should be left to restaurant owners, plain and simple.  It's their establishment so it should be their choice to either have or not have a smoking section.  This is an issue of personal freedom and shouldn't be left to legislators to make. 

As a side note, I hate organized religion, so can we ban that please?

I smoke

As a smoker I can live with the smoking ban in public places. I think non smokers have the right to not be subjected to second hand smoke against their will.

What I can not live with are the efforts (and these have been successful) to force smokers to quit smoking even in their private homes by increasing tobacco taxes.

I am going to start growing my own tobacco now! 

I am going save a lot more money as well.

Rather than require bars and restaurants to upgrade their ventilation systems - the state and non-smokers have decided to kick out those they find objectionable - smokers. Non-smokers should go to non-smoking places and leave well enough alone.

Technology can solve the issue but that involves spending money. It is much easier to require those with weaker lungs to stand outside to smoke.  Mind you, it would be equally inexpensive to require those who wish to breathe 'clean' air to go outside to do it. How would you feel about being required to do that? "All non-smokers are cordially invited to go outside to breathe." Rain, snow, ice, freezing temperatures, high winds, or all the above? And to do so for 5 minutes each and every hour.

Those of us in northern Virginia have already seen the effects of the smoking bans in Maryland and D.C. - an increase in revenues to those bars in northern Virginia that permit smoking. Thank you. We appreciate your patronage.

Do not confuse public with private. If you find public smoking objectionable, that is your issue not the smokers'. You may demand non-smoking in your private areas - your home, your car for examples. But you may not demand non-smoking in either public places or the private spaces of others. To verify this, think of how you would feel if someone demanded to smoke in your home. How would you feel?

Of course there's the health issue view of smoking - but this a bar - a purveyor of a far more immediately dangerous substance - alcohol - than tobacco smoke. No one wrecked a car, their life, other people's cars and lives over a cigarette but many have by drinking. Yet we still have bars and we accommodate those who drink by providing taxis. No one ever made a poor sexual choice under the influence of tobacco. But 'being drunk' is used as an excuse for all sorts of poor choices and it is accepted.

Stop trying to 'fix' social things through legislation.


No surprise to me that you missed the point.

My quess is you are well educated, so therefore you have disconnected any rational thoughts.

Read my post again and again until maybe, just maybe you catch my drift.

Should you still not 'get it' then maybe, just maybe you will take the time to visit the following link.

PS: Susan, have a couple of bottles (that means 2 bottles) of Prozac handy. You are going to need it


How to quit smoking marijuana and gain
freedom to live a happy creative life?

Today more then thirty-five percent of the people that smoke marijuana become addicted. This is one of the most underestimated drug that can cause severe long term health problems both mentally and physically. Marijuana addiction also causes people to forget about their responsibilities and commitments in life.

The day I lost my job because I was high and messed up, I realised smoking pot has held me back from really living and acheiving my dreams. I Decided it was time to take control of my life. - Joe


I am smoke free!!!


With my money supply on a down slide I desided to stop smoking. So far it's been 45 days and counting. Hey the first couple of weeks were hard I have to say. But now I feel much stronger after coughing up a lot of crap out of my lungs. My kids are happy because now they have cleaner air in the house and in the car. 

My advice if you are trying to quit smoking is drink a lot of liquides, especially water. Limit coffee, soft drinks, and alcohol - they increase your urge to smoke.

Other Tips I feel helps:

Remind yourself every day why you are quitting.
Avoid places you connect with smoking.
Develop a plan for relieving stress.
Listen to relaxing music.
Watch a funny movie.
Take your mind off a problem and come back to it later.
Rely on your friends, family, and support group for help.
Avoid alcohol. It lowers your chances for success.


Good Going Man I just quite for good.


SMOKING is not for those who want to live a long and happy life. The probability that a long-term smoker will eventually be killed by tobacco is 1 in 2. The director-general of the World Health Organization (WHO) stated: "A cigarette is . . . a cleverly crafted product that delivers just the right amount of nicotine to keep its user addicted for life before killing the person."

One reason, then, to quit smoking is that smoking tobacco endangers health and life. Smoking has been linked to more than 25 life-threatening diseases. It is, for example, a major contributor to heart attack, stroke, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and various cancers, especially lung cancer.

The 2nd Reason is that the people grow tobacco don't care about you!!!


RE: Smoking ban in Virginia soon? ITS ABOUT TIME!!!

wow!  I never thought of it that way before!  Thank you, I just threw out my pack. 

People should be able to decide for themselves where and when they smoke.  I am a smoker and I choose not to smoke indoors out of consideration for others.  I smoke outdoors almost exclusively, even while at home.  That is the choice I made, and I think people should be able to contnue to make for themselves.  I don't want the state, county or city, or anyone else for that matter making those decisions for me.  Virginia already charges me WAY too much in taxes to live here, as it is; I don't want to pay with my freedom of choice as well. 

Virginia to soon be the TOP cancer state!!!

Smoking in Virginia is Here to Stay

It's official: the Virginia House of Delegates killed the latest package of smoking ban proposals in a subcommittee Thursday. The set of proposed bans would have barred smoking in restaurants, offices and other public places. The bills' defeat means a state-wide ban won't come before the Virginia legislature again this year.

The House had previously spiked their own versions of the smoking ban proposals. Yesterday's subcommittee action put an end to the bills that had been passed in the Senate.

The move is a sound defeat for Gov. Tim Kaine (D), who has been pushing for a state-wide smoking ban in several forms since he took office. Unlike some other states, such as Maryland, Virginia does not grant the power to counties or cities to enact bans on their own. With this latest move, the Virginia House of Delegates has ensured that smoking will continue to be legal in bars and restaurants in nearby Northern Virginia for the foreseeable future.


Perhaps the only intelligent person on the planet... otherwise known as Ian
This has nothing to do with the health effects of smoking or the possible economic repercussions of a ban.  Unless the government owns the property, it does not have the right to dictate what an owner may allow others to do in or on his property if the action in question is otherwise perfectly legal.  One has the right to smoke in a bar, restaurant or any other privately owned building as long as one has the right to smoke.  I'm no lawyer, but smoking bans seem like a violation of fundemental rights.  Nevertheless, no one cares about others' rights, not the government and not anyone on this forum; and the fact that smoking is even an issue while larger problems (and there are larger problems than people dying of cancer at the tender young age of forty-five and some infantile jackass breathing smoke rather than the aroma of sanctimonious abnegation to which he is accustomed) devestate the country sounds more like a cruel joke than a controversy. 

Give me liberty or give me death, I suppose.  So, please excuse me while I kill myself...
::Lights cigarette::     

Could smoking in restaurants and bars be banned in Virginia?

Smoking in restaurants and bars could become a thing of the past in Virginia. For the first time in tobacco country, an anti-smoking bill banning all indoor smoking will be presented in the next General Assembly session. Several states have already enacted similar laws in California, New York, Delaware and Massachusetts, among others.

What you may not know is a number of restaurants in the metro Richmond area have already decided to go smoke-free on their own accord. Just click-out for a list of smoke-free venues.


     Restraunts will not be hurt by a smoking ban, because all restraunts will be equal!!  There should be a smoking ban in restraunts, and places that serve full food menus.  I only wish to eat at a place to sit and enjoy my food, and not sit at a table where the smoking and non-smoking section is seperated by a wall with no barrier and prevents me from enjoying my food, or being paraded right through the smoking section just to get to the non-smoking section.  However, being a non-smoker, I do beleive that Smoking should not be ban in regular bars and clubs, as that is a place for people to relax and do as they please.  I sometimes have to go to restraunts, I don't have to go to bars, and clubs.  Plus I know what to expect if, i should go to a bar.  Buisness in California is still doing well!  No buisness went under cause of their smoking ban, and you can't smoke in any public buisness there!!  So, get off your high horses, give my lungs a break and allow me to enjoy my meals as well as other.

b rogers
Other states that already have smoking bans in place are suffering.  Property rights have been eroded. Please vote against such a ban and instead make adult choices about which establishments you will patronize.

Oh my!    I am sorry that you feel that way about the rights of individuals and want to put them behind bars and cause a big stink about a little smoke.  I think that you need to stop  casting stones and look at your self before you start to step on other people. 
  Just what do you do with the panpers your child or children have worn?  Did you put them in the trash? Did you use a cleaning service and cloth instead of distroying the water supply in the landfill.  Oh, and just how did you get to virginia?  Did you walk or ride a horse, or sprout feathers and fly.  None the less my dear your at fault as well as the smokers in virginia and the smoke from the car is even more a problem that a little tobacco smoke.  We haven't even got into the the french fry issue and fat issue or even the stuff you put on your lips and a lot of other things that you don't want to talk about so with that being said, mind your own bees wax and get a real life or just live the one you have and leave others alone.

I just returned from a trip to Fl. and it was great to go to a bar and not have the area filled with smoke. A friend, who owns a bar, was totally against the state becoming smoke free because he would lose business. People would come to his bar and smoke for hours while having a beer or two. This was his livelyhood. But.......... after a brief loss of business, his customers returned and instead of smoking cigaretts, they started drinking more beer, and ordering more food. He now has 30 percent more customers and his profits have gone up 72 percent. He now says that if he'd known this would happen, he'd have been in favor of it years ago.


What is the real issue here is taking away people's rights, their freedom of choice. Smokers have the right to smoke. That is their freedom of choice. BUT...non-smokers have the right to live in a smoke-free environment too. That is their freedom of choice. How can it be solved? The government has undertaken studies to conclude that cigarrette smoke, even second hand, is indeed hazardous to our health. Yes, there are a lot of other elements around us that are hazardous to our health, but most people with common sense and those who want to live a healthy life, take caution where they can. Living in a smoke- free environment is a health precaution. Smokers can continue to smoke, just not where it inhibits the rights of non-smokers. It is as simple as that.

The one thing that haunts me daily is knowing that some of my kids smoke and knowing that there are documented over 400 cancer causing agents in tabacco. That means it isn't only the nicotine you are inhaling, it is all kinds of harmful particles, bacteria, pesticides and who knows what else you are allowing into your system. I don't think most of us would willingly go out and drink or inhale poisons. Nor would we encourage our children to consume something that would harm least most of us wouldn't. BUT again, that is the freedom of choice. I don't care if those who smoke want to harm themselves, but it hurts to see them expose little kids to the same irresponsible attitude.

And my older brother's dying words: "tell your kids not to smoke, tell our sisters not to smoke, tell everone that dying for five years in the most horrible pain you can imagine, is worse than hell."

My brother passed away at the young age of 54 with skin cancer (he contracted at age30), that later led to emphysema, that quickly spread to lung cancer, that then spread to stomach cancer, that eventually led to diabetes. He suffered greatly for the last five years of his life. He was on oxygen and wheelchair bound. He couldn't even stand up without assistance. He wasn't that heavy of a smoker, but he paid the fee and died a horrible death, that even heavy doses of morphine and the strongest painkillers could not touch his pain, day in and day out -- for years.

The moral: Go ahead and smoke, just think about what you are doing and please don't push your addictions off on others, especially innocent children.


RE: Smoking can kill you in more ways....



he had to quit!



RE: Smoking ban in Virginia soon? ITS ABOUT TIME!!!


Hello Minnie,

I must say,so many  want to take the rights of others away.You may think I am sitting here smoking and that is why I am againt the band.

No your wrong.I fought in the Viet Nam war for us to be free as so many before us.But it seems a few nuts that have their values on the front page need to be right all the time.

First of all I would like to say,where does it say that smoking can and will give you cancer.Maybe you should look into the food and drink that you consume in your body.

No why should you your like all the rest what one nuts does so does the other they all fall from the tree.

Just like people wearing golves.Drs delivered babies for hundreds of years with out them and they were fine.Then some nut in Washington said gee we need to wear them to protect us...........most disease come from air born.Think about it.And wearing gloves well if your working with needles what will the glove do.

But people like you will try and take away the American way as you have with many other issues.We won't be America any more we will be the free world by that I mean there will be no justic,no one will have any rights only the rights of mental nuts out there that follow others. Because you people have and want to take away the freedom that we all should have.

I read some of the laws from VA like you can't chew gum on a that tells me about your state...........are yo can't hold hands on Sunday.No they don't enforce it but its in your why would I are any one want to follow the law of stop smoking when the other laws you have or so stupid.

Have a nice day and if there is any one from VA that has a back bone stand up for what you believe is right...........and that is ........WE ALL HAVE RIGHTS.

If you don't like smoking then sit in the back of the bus cause that is just what your telling us to do and no were not black we are of all color..................the way I see it none of us have choices any more.....................

I don't like people like you never did nor will I.You can't talk to people like you.Nope when you get on a roll you stick to it.Don't think about the other person and God for bid don't research it for yourself belive who ever when ever.

Maybe I offened you by saying God in this e mail if so I won't apologize for I fought to have free speech

Now you take your notions and do what ever stand by who ever wants to get rid of smoking and I can assure I will fight to the death to get rid of perfom,hair dyes and you name it................they all cause something.Oh yea and what about body plastics and tummy tucks and not to mention a few other things that are harmful to us.........but then I bet you stand up for them....................


It's very clear that a majority of Virginians are ready to see some action in this area, and they clearly are telling us that they want to be protected from secondhand smoke.

Dianne wrote:

If you loved your kids you would STOP smoking and stop bitching about other people bitching and quite wasting your hard earned money on expensive cigarettes and maybe you would have lots more money to spend on your kids. Cigarettes are very expensive, buy your kids some good food and clothes.

Why are you bothering to buy "Ultra Lights" anyway?? They will kill you just as easily as regular cigaretts will, and your cigarettes will effect your kids health too. Do any of them have asthma? If they do, guess why. They will probably smoke too just because you are teaching them it's ok. Depending on their age, they might be right now and you don't know it. But hopefully they will be smart enough not to do the same stupid thing their dad is doing. You will pay with bad health in your future. My Mom died from Lung cancer, by I was smart enough not to do the same things to my body as she did. I will die someday too but I will know I didn't cause my own death. The things you say are moronic. Buy a clue with the money you will save from buying "Ultra Light" cigaretts. Don't encourage your kids to follow in your foot steps, lead by example, Don't smoke. It may already be too late. They will have to watch you suffer and die from Lung cancer. Hopefully they won't suffer and die from your ignorance. Second hand smoke does cause health problem. Good Luck.

First let me say I was raised by a woman who loved me more than anything and  she smoked. I NEVER once had asthma or anyother resp. problems as a child. Loving a child has nothing to do with not smoking, I can't belive what I am hearing that is so discriminating.

I smoke, I don't agree with the sate smoking ban's but I agree with induvidual shops/restrants do a ban it should be a choice. I know that resturants were really stupid about smoking and mom-smoking, I belive smoking should be in the back of every resturant and there needs to be some kind of ventilation for that room, but taking it all away is not fair to the smokers.

What about our rights? When do we get equal treatment? What do you prorpose to ban next smoking in all personal cars or trucks OR certain books at school? I know there has to be a book at the libary that dosn't meet your ideas for raising your child you love more than a smoker does. You know no of us really love our children or spend money on them cause we are to brooke from buying smokes instead!

I don't know about yall but I am tired of loosing our freedoms. We have lost more than we shouls have. No relgion is schools, they want to take God out the pledge, the 10 commandments out of the courts, when is this going to end? What else are we going to loose?? 


stick a whole pack of cigarettes in your month if you like! Just keep it away from us!!!

Hey you smokers can stick a whole pack of cigarettes in your mouth at once and blow smoke like a garbage incinerator if you like. But all us non-smokers that care about our health are asking is not in our face pal.


RE: Smoking ban in Virginia soon? ITS ABOUT TIME!!!

Diane, you mentioned that Eric was teaching his children to smoke and that you do not smoke yet your mother did but you learned from her mistake. Neither of my parents smoked yet 5 out of their 7 children do. I wonder why. I have been smoking off and on since I was 20 my oldest son is 17 and not one of my 4 boys has asthma. You choose to live your life your way and I can respect you for that and your freedom of speech but smokers also would like to have the same respect. You don't have to like it but you also don't have to smoke it.


Thank you Eric.  I was thinking the same thing you wrote.  I to am a smoker and have 4 wonderful children and guess what? I've already had cancer once as a child. I figure the odds of getting it again are the same as being struck by lightening twice.  I could be wrong but every one dies sooner or later. If people would take up the right soap box perhaps we would still have God in our schools instead of guns and knives. But what do I know. I don't preach to people on how they live thier lives and only wish they could leave others alone. If we all were alike what a dull world this would be.   How about this: 

  If you don't like smoke don't smoke but how about letting those of us who do smoke, enjoy our cigeratte.


Fine all the NON-smokers want to take away the FREEDOM of smokers. Well the next thing to go will be cars b/c the produce polution also known to cause cancer not to mention globel warming, or how about saccharin that too causes cancer. How about smokers saying that they don't like your purfume so you can no longer wear any except in your home. Guess what all the cutting down of the rain forests produce carbon monoxide, ban that too. While your at it lets ban cell phone's, microwaves, and any other radeation producing device for the same reasons they cause cancer.

Well guess what, thats not going to happen. I spent my time in the Army fighting for this country to keep it FREE and PROTECT your way or life and mine. Now you want to take my freedoms from me. Why not just have all the non-smokers move to another country like Iraq or Kuwait for a few years, see what freedoms they don't have then see if you really need to worry about a little smoke.




Make your choice


Look smoking the choice of every American banning it is not right. So I comes down to a choice if you smoke you will go to places were you can smoke and enjoy your time, If you don't smoke and you don't want to smell it then go some were else. If that upsets you speak to the owner and let them know how you feel. If he thinks that he will lose more money then he is making then he will ban it from his store, if he makes more money letting people smoke then it is his choice and go some were else. It is my right to smoke and it is your right to stay away from me if you don't like end of story.


RE: Smoking ban in Virginia soon! ITS ABOUT TIME!!!


subcommittee in the Virginia House of Delegates has voted down a bill that would have banned most indoor smoking in the state, the Richmond Times-Dispatch reported Feb. 24.

The House General Laws subcommittee voted 6-0 against the bill sponsored by Sen. Brandon Bell (R-Roanoke County), which was previously passed by the state Senate. Backers were undeterred, saying they would try to get the measure voted on in the full committee, or reintroduce it next year. "We've been delighted with the public support," said Donna Reynolds of the American Lung Association of Virginia.

The subcommittee heard testimony from three supporters and five opponents of the bill; the latter included a lobbyist for R.J. Reynolds, based in Virginia, who said a ban would hurt the company's ability to market its products.

"I would agree people have a right not to breathe secondhand smoke," said Delegate John A. Cosgrove (R-Chesapeake), who voted against the bill. "But that right is brought about by their feet. They have a right not to go somewhere where there is smoking. They have a right and a responsibility to take care of themselves." 

What is the deal with Virginia?


any RN on the planet knows


I wonder what RN means to you?

Secondhand smoke exposure has been cited as the most common and preventable environmental respiratory irritant for children, resulting in increased risks for acute respiratory infections (bronchitis, pneumonia), otitis media and exacerbations in chronic respiratory conditions (asthma, cystic fibrosis) (IOM, 2000). Economic costs associated with secondhand smoke exposure have been estimated to be over $157 billion annually and over 440,000 premature deaths due to secondhand smoke (CDC, 2002). Household exposure to secondhand smoke is particularly high among children and estimates of exposure in US children's homes range from 11.7 to 34.2% based on number of homes with an adult smoker (CDC, 2000).


RE: Smoking ban in Virginia soon! ITS ABOUT TIME!!!


As an RN I can tell you I have NEVER treated ANYBODY that had lung disorders as a result of second hand smoke.  As far as I am concerned there are NO substatial studies to prove this theory.  There are studies but they lack realistic situations and/or they are based on arguable statisticical information.  The only remark I believe is concrete is that it offends people.  If we start banning things that "offend" the majority, people who are primitive or with body odor problems, bad hair or an ill sense of style will never be able to walk into a public establishment again.  Give the power BACK to the people, as our forefathers believed it should be.

This issue is not about smoking being bad for you... any moron on the planet knows that.  The issue is about freedom.  Our society has switched from a free one to one that is regulated by the government.  For everyone of you that complain you hate smoke beware the next right taken away may be YOURS.  Sure it's not a problem when it does not affect you... when it offends YOU but when it hits you in your rights you may be singing another tune.  Cigarettes are legal period...the government needs to decide if they want to lose their fat wallets and make smoking illegal or stop regulating when and where you do it.  As a FREE country, it is up to each individual merchant to decide whether they want smoking in their establishment, NOT THE GOVERNMENT!  If they decide they don't want it, so be it but it it their decision.   I watch as the Goverment slowly controls us...for the cause of our health...hmmm if they cared about our health maybe they would stop making so much money from it.  Something to think about.

You say that you want to enjoy a night out on the town without smelling smoke?  Let me ask you a question?  What makes your wishes, wants, and desires anymore important than mine as a smoker?  You think just because you don't smoke your rights are more important than mine?  You know is your right....If you don't want to be around smoke, don't go out.  Is that violating your rights?  What about my rights when I go out and am told that I can't smoke?  You, and many others have stated that there are more non-smokers and so your rights are more important.  Well that is just rediculous.  White people are the majoriity, should we have anymore rights than any minority group, just because there are more of us????  Think about it.


It is about time that smoking is banned in Virginia. You talk about restaurants and it's as simple as sitting in smoking or non-smoking, but have you ever really looked at what separates the two? Sometimes there will be a partial wall or something to that affect, but most of the time there is nothing. So, what do you think keeps the smoke on it's side of the restaurant? Nothing. Bottom line is there are more non-smokers and we should not have our dinner ruined because of the smoke, we should not have to come home smelling of it and be forced to inhale it just because we wanted a night on the town.

In reading the comments posted here, I also see a lot of the other problems that our society faces, hurricanes, gangs, drunk drivers, abuse, overdoses, war, etc. My husband served in the Army fighting in two wars, he spent over three years in third world countries for our freedom. Now he is with the state police and serves on the S.W.A.T team which is filled with great people who spend most of there time fighting the "real American problems" that you referred to. He is a great provider and a wonderful man, however none of these things make us rich. So, we also fall into the category of people who only donated our "pathetic couple of dollars" to the hurricane victims. I am so sorry about that especially considering that you were the person there really making a difference.

Stop being so closed minded, we can fight more than one problem at a time. Just because we are taking a stand and spending a few minutes typing our opinion about smoking on a web site does not mean that this is all we do (and in saying that I might point out that Erik has more replies posted here than anyone else). Why don't you just pipe down a little, it is not as if we are trying to rip the cigarettes or the cigars from your fingers, smoking is your decision and nobody is trying to take you freedom away. We would just like to be able to enjoy a meal or a dance without having to inhale your harmful smoke.


Kodak is New York's number one manufacturing polluter and one of the nation's top emitters of cancer-causing chemicals. In 2,000 - Kodak released over 4.2 million pounds of chemicals to the air, released over 2 million pounds of cancer-causing chemicals to the air, and over 680,000 pounds of chemicals to the water. Between 1987-2000, zip code 14652 in Rochester led the nation in releases of cancer-causing chemicals, most of which came directly from Kodak. According to the DOH, women living near Kodak Park had approximately an 80% greater risk of developing pancreatic cancer; this number jumps to 96% if the women have lived in the area for over 20 years. Residents report a higher than normal rate of childhood brain and spinal cord cancers, and 21 schools are located within three miles of the Kodak facility. Kodak has been fined millions of dollars for chemical spills, explosions, and illegally operating hazardous waste incinerators. In addition, there are a number of hazardous waste sites in need of cleanup at Kodak Park.


living within the area that Kodak is in Rochester NY increases your risk of getting pancreatic cancer over 100%.....

will this be the reason you go out and buy a digital camera and trash your film?

more carcinogens are put out in a campfire than are in cigarettes, maybe the campfire girls, or whatever they name was changed to should change their name???

A bird, if locked up in some of the printshops around the country overnight will be dead by the next morning, and I imagine that he would face the same fate much quicker if he was locked in your garage with your car running...I could have one in my house with me all day, my cigarette smoke won't kill him...but well, if I  overheat the teflon pan and he's in the same room it will!!!

arsenic is mentions as one of the offending chemicals that is in you realize how it got there?  it's there because of the pesticides that they used to use.  the soil is contaminated, and so is much of the food you eat.....maybe we should just stop eating?  other chemicals that are mentioned are also in perfumes, detergents, cosmetics, air fresheners, ect......have yous stopped using those things?  it it's might be worth noting, that many of these chemicals that are being thrown in so many of our products were once the waste  products from the petro industry, EPA started regulating their disposal, so I guess they found a cheaper, or make that profitable way of getting rid of them.  How does it feel to be the oil industries hazardous waste disposal system?

so, xxxxxxxxx number of people die from cigarettes every year....okay, just how do they know this particular person's death was from cigarettes, and not from any of the sources mentioned above, or one of the many I haven't mentioned?  they can't!!

cigarettes are just the scapegoat, take away the cigarettes, and they'll just need another one, maybe this time perfumes, then another, then another, and we will still have xxxxxxxxx number of people dying since they aren't gonna do away with the real offender, it would be too disasterous to their way of life! 


The bottom line is this country is founded on freedom.  We all have the freedom to smoke or not to smoke, whichever we choose.

I see no problem with the smoking laws we have in place right now.  When you go to a restaurant the first question the host or hostess asks you is, "Would you prefer smoking or non-smoking?".  If you want to smoke, sit in the smoking section and if you don't want to be around smoke, sit in the non-smoking section; it's that simple. 

For those of you who go to bars or nightclubs or anywhere else people go to drink socially, you will notice that the majority of people there are smoking while they drink.  If you can't deal with smoke at a bar, then you probably shouldn't be there in the first place.

This goes back to our freedom.  Smokers have no arguement with confining their smoking to a smoking area.  If you can't work with the laws we currently have in place for smoking, requiring restaurants and other places to have smoking and non-smoking areas, then you are infringing on our freedoms as smokers, plain and simple.  

Remember this idea of freedom that our founding fathers established for us works both ways. 


Prior to reading this thread I might have believed that smokers would be the more obnoxious participants in this debate.

Not any more.

Non smokers... do us all a favor and just hold your collective breaths.  Do this for a really long time; from what I can read in the above posts, the resulting effect on your face will coincide with your disposition.

Really now, can a byproduct of your blessed freedom -- that is, having to tolerate the freedom of others -- can it be such a terrible thing?  Is it honestly worth sounding like a ridiculous blowhard?


Cancer risks increase with the number of cigars smoked per day. Smoking three to
four cigars per day increases the risk of oral cancers to 8.5 times the ...

For those who inhale, cigar smoking appears to be linked to cancer of the pancreas...

Even men who said they did not inhale their cigar smoke had lung cancer death
Cigar smoking also increased risk of death from cancer of the larynx

Cigars and Cancer Risk. Peer Review Status: Internally Reviewed ... Cigar smokers
are at increased risk of developing cancers of the lips, tongue, mouth...



I dont care about cigarettes at all.

Cigarettes are the tobacco of choice for poor people.

I smoke only fine cigars.

I am quite fond of the Ashton brand. I am not yet able to afford the finer cigars, which are quite popular on capital hill , i might add.

I agree, these poor people need to take themselves and their cheap smokes away from where i dine.

I mean, what are they doing there anyway?

R.J. Reynolds advertising campaigns
for Camel Cigarettes

by Tara Mulholland

In the eyes of today's All-American teenagers and children, what is the most important concern to them? Of course, to fit in with the crowd and look cool" to their peers. For the past several decades a central way of looking "cool" to kids is smoking cigarettes. They perhaps feel by smoking, they will look grown-up, sexy, and tough like the actors do in a movie or a model in an advertisement...people they look up to. Or perhaps the kids and teens are rebelling against their parents, and smoking is a way to attract attention to them. In any case, the fact is that kids and teens are smoking now more than ever. "In the United States alone, there are about five million teenage smokers and each of them smoke about 0.6 pack per day equaling about 1.1 billion packs of cigarettes a year"1. Where are youth getting the idea that smoking looks cool?

Perhaps it is due to an ad campaign that was exploited over every magazine, billboard, T-shirt, hat and lighter in the US beginning in 1985. This was the R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company's controversial campaign featuring a cartoon character named, "Joe Cool Camel" for Camel Cigarettes. Critics claim that the advertising company, Mezzina/Brown, New York came up with this strategy to directly target kids and teens, especially one's under the age of 18, by using a child-like image of a "cool" cartoon character who likes smoking cigarettes2. This strategy worked because kids and teens look up to Joe Camel for his glamorous image, a lifestyle they would like to be experiencing, but can't as a young adult. This targeting strategy also worked because kids can relate better to a cartoon character than an actual human being. And if the cartoon is symbolizing that smoking is cool, than the kids will follow.

In each ad, Joe Camel is seen as slick, self-confident, and most of all, "cool" while smoking his tasteful cigarette. For example, in one ad Joe Camel is displayed in front of two flying aircraft's while dressed in pilot gear, smoking a cigarette. A beautiful blond is placed behind Joe dressed in tight apparel, adoring him from afar. The title of the ad distinctly captures the intentions of R.J. Reynolds by promoting Joe Cool to teens as a Smooth Character. This particular ad accomplishes the goal of targeting teens because it displays a young-like cartoon character portraying a tough guy image with a gorgeous woman by his side. Teens look up to figures that resemble a hero and if their "hero" is smoking, than it gives them more of an incentive to do so.

A powerfully thematic ad that stands out in my mind is when Joe Cool Camel is placed on a Harley Davidson motorcycle. Joe is dressed head to toe in biker gear wearing a traditional motorcycle jacket, T-shirt, jeans and black sunglasses. While posing in this tough guy gear, Joe is sitting on the bike smoking a slick cigarette for pure rebellious enjoyment, symbolizing the epitome of a bad boy image. This ad is strategically enduring to teens in that again, they look up to icons that look tough, self-confident, and rebellious because they want to be what that image represents. Camel Cigarettes target this insecurity of teens and in the process they reel them in to smoke cigarettes.

Rock and Roll music is most popular among the teenage group. They admire bands for their rough image, style and music. R.J. Reynolds focuses on this phenomenon by creating an ad where Joe Camel features as a rock star. He is place on stage in the spotlight, smoking a cigarette while playing the guitar. The fans are faded in the background, cheering this stud-camel on for his great music. This ad is appealing to the teenage audience because it displays Joe Camel as an icon, a role model that fans adore from their assigned seats at a concert hall. When teens observe this ad, perhaps they will think if the image of Joe Camel looks cool smoking on stage, than they will look cool if they do it too.

As these ads became more and more popular with kids and teens, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) became anxious and started to seek an outright ban against this campaign. They felt that the ads were indeed targeting children and teens to smoke by using a "cool" cartoon character to pull them in for the bate. After a long drawn out process, R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company lost their court case to FTC, banning the ten-year old, Joe Cool Camel campaign. In reality, FTC was right. Statistics show that "91% of six-year olds match Joe Camel with a picture of a cigarette, making him as well-known as Mickey Mouse. Not to mention that with increase of awareness, Camel's share of under-18 Market soared from 0.5% to 32.8% in the first two years of the Joe Camel campaign, representing a $476 million increase in annual sales for R.J. Reynolds. Making it so that since the first introduction of Joe Camel, the number of children who smoke increased by a factor of 50"3.

Spectators were worried that with the publicity of Joe Camel being banned for targeting under age smokers, it would increase the amount of teens smoking just for the sake of rebelling. A spokesperson from R.J. Reynolds agreed by saying, "Extensive coverage of the Joe Camel controversy has circulated nationally to school children, had boosted awareness of the brand among that age group and influenced the recognition figures"4. To FTC's disadvantage, the issue of banning Joe Camel was working in the opposite direction of what they wanted.

With the Joe Camel ad campaign being destroyed, R.J. Reynolds showed their first act of good faith by thinking of a new strategy to appeal to "older" smokers. Critics believed that they were now trying to encourage those 18 to 21 to smoke5. Despite this political controversy, Camel continued to promote its alternate ad campaign entitled, "What are you looking for." This tagline features in the right-hand corner of the print next to a small pack of cigarettes, promoting a subtle advertisement without too much emphasis on the camel. With the absence of the Joe Camel cartoon, R.J. Reynolds experimented with a new technique in ads using subliminal messages to symbolize the figure of the previous Joe Camel.

The first execution, made again by Mezzina/Brown, New York was an ad featuring a beautiful woman, laid back, exhaling a cloud of smoke in the shape of a camel. In a second ad, a glamorous, sophisticated woman is sitting at a bar, but to our surprise she is not smoking. Instead she lifts up her ****tail drink to reveal the image of a camel in a ring of condensation. A third ad displays a rugged man in jeans with a frayed area enhancing the image of a camel outline. A final ad portrays camel-shaped smoke wafting up from a cigarette tucked in the strings of a guitar. This non-cartoonish camel outline is still a powerful symbol for the brand. The ads display a sexy tone with the smoke lingering in the air. With this portrayal, they are less slick and more sophisticated than the previous cartoon ads. The theme "What are you looking for" also takes more of a selling quality than just displaying Joe Cool Camel and his pals"6. Perhaps these prints focus on situations and hobbies that kids and teens in today's society are interested in to target them to smoke, whether it be a beautiful woman, drinking, or playing the guitar.

More recently, R.J. Reynolds has taken Camel's, "What are you looking for" slogan even further by invoking "accidental," but hidden figures of a camel in each of their new ads. The tagline has been changed once again to a new vibrant slogan, "Mighty tasty!" These ads consist of a more comedic, smart-alecky tone as if they are rebelling against society and Media. Vice President of Marketing at RJR commented on their new campaign by saying, "It's a spoof of advertising itself, as well as social clichés, scandals, and myths."7

In these new ads there are several self-mockery references to authorities, symbolizing how the ads were suppose to be viewed by people of twenty-one-years of age or older. The mockery reads, "Viewer Discretion Advised." For example, in one print ad, it shows a good-looking, half dressed man running from a run-down farm house, while a "grungy" old man is pointing a shotgun at his back. The devious daughter is lying in bed, peering out the window with a cigarette in her mouth; perhaps symbolizing that she just had sex with the handsome man. Meanwhile, a subtle, petite camel is hung on the window curtain. The caption in the right-hand corner reads, "Viewer Discretion Advised. This ad contains SS. Satisfied Smoking. FV. Farm Violence. AN. Animal Nudity."

The second execution takes the same approach. It portrays a beautiful, bored-looking maid and butler standing in a fancy kitchen while their employers are anticipating their presence in the dinning room. The maid is mischievously tapping her cigarette ashes in the pan she is to serve to the uptight group. The warning label in the corner reads, "This ad contains IR. Idle Rich. ABR. Abusive Bell Ringing. PA. Premeditated Ashing." The camel is subliminally hidden in the maid's headpiece.

The third ad takes a different approach by displaying only a pack of Camel Cigarettes. Attached to the pack are subheadings that portray self-mockery to the media and how they have damaged Camel Cigarettes' reputation. For instance, near the brand's logo it reads, "Originally called 'Goat' Cigarettes, but research showed the name to be unappealing." Another read, "Viewer Discretion Advised: Subliminal Imagery," takes aim at the often repeated charge that drawings of former spokescartoon Joe Camel contained subliminal images of a penis, even though the creator of Joe Camel never intended to do so. Pointing to the stylized Camel on the pack, the burst reads: "when viewed under magnifying glass, camel on pack mysteriously appears larger."8

In viewing the most recent ads that R.J. Reynolds has promoted, it seems that the brand is still trying to target a young audience. They created this slogan by using sly, rebellious, playful images of young models. For example, the ad where handsome guy is fleeing from a girl's house half-dressed with a gun down his back. This symbolizes rebellion in which kids and teens appeal to. Perhaps R.J. Reynolds is not providing as good of deed as regulators had anticipated. Now being in the age group of twenty-one-year olds, it is our generation's mission to not fall into the influence of Camel Cigarette ads. Will it work?

 See: Links to more information and ads


I can blow smoke where ever I want!


Underage Teen Smoking 

My girl thinks I smell like crap. But I am having fun blowing smoke!
I started smoking when I was 8 years old, and I think it's GREAT.
No one tells me what to do....



RE: Smoking ban in Virginia soon! ITS ABOUT TIME!!!

In case you haven't noticed everything causes cancer...., as a matter of fact I volunteered my time with the hurricane victims. I was there so while you donated your pathetic couple of dollars I was helping people. And I live paycheck to paycheck because I have a beautiful family to support. I'm not some little fag health nut warring about a little smoke because in all honesty lets be real you'll probably die before all of us anyway, and no I don't think its a real world issue. If it was the only thing that caused cancer I could see your point but its one in a million. And even if I didn't smoke I sure as hell could care less about others doing it, why because I mind my own business. YOUR GOING TO DIE SOONER OR LATER, and if its caused by smoke great it will stop some of the unnecessary whining that goes on in the world!!! OH and its great to be smoking, cause if I didn't you wouldn't have something to whine about in your pathetic life now would you. :two cents:


no one has the right!


The issue is the NO ONE has the right to blow smoke in others faces.....

While I don't think they should pass a law to outlaw cigarettes, but they need to STOP advertising to children. They should pass a law to Stop all ads except in adult magazines and x rated films, and on liquor bottles...   They are STILL marketing to kids!


RE: Smoking ban in Virginia soon! ITS ABOUT TIME!!!

Hey erik i think this is a real world issue. Smoking is the number one cause of cancer. And it affects everyone right? Just because you smoke and have a pathetic life and dont care about others getting cancer. You said you live pay check to pay check, thats probably because you spend all your money on cigarettes. And you mentioned real world issues like the hurricanes and things, well we all are focused on the issues and are helping in any way we can. And what have you done to help out with the hurricane or anything other real world issue? My guess is nothing. Get a clue buddy. If you never smoked and tryed to live your life as healthy as you possibly could, you also would not want to be around people who smoke, because the fact is it causes cancer. So instead of us staying home i think you should stay home with your pathetic life and smoke cigarettes all you want. Just wait until you get cancer and then write and tell us how nice it is to be smoking.

Yes I'm sure he is, most of them are. But you see it will never stop once you ban smoking then they'll find something else too ban. It will keep going and going. So the best thing is to not ban anything, have people stop bitching about the stuff, deal with it and worry about real world issues.


or, hey, I know, let's bans cars!!!

I'm from NY, and well, shortly after I quit my job at a screen printing place, the Governor of the State was on TV announcing their great smoking ban...he said something like, he would never allow anything as dangerous as cigarette smoke into the workplace...or something to that effect.  I quickly wrote to him and listed all the chemicals that I was working with while employed there, and asked him to ban them also, since they were more than likely just as dangerous, if not more.

as it turns out...he's a liar!

Or we could, just ban asthmatics from public places and the whole thing would be resolved. How about we don't ban anything and we worry about the real issues in this country. The hurricane victims, the war, gas prices, etc. If you don't like the smoke stay at home or grow up and deal with it, STOP being a bunch of PRUDES and get on with your life so the rest of us can get through the rest of this life one smoke at a time!


why not other things....

Here's a novel idea, instead of just banning smoking in public places, why don't they visit a few doctors, come up with a list of the most common substances that bother asthmatics, ya know, like perfume, laundry detergent, pine-sol, the clorine in pools, and yes, cigarrettes.. and ban them.


RE: Smoking ban in Virginia soon! ITS ABOUT TIME!!!

Thanks I will, and the genius part of it, is that out of that whole article that's the most intelligent thing you had to say. Proved my point exactly!

Charles Darwin

Smoke another one for me Erik


Erik... please... smoke a lot.. night and day.. 24/7

ENJOY.. your a genius!



RE: Smoking ban in Virginia soon! ITS ABOUT TIME!!!


Here is my take on the situation. Right now I am inhaling the smooth smoke of a ultra light cigarette, why you ask, because of some ad, because of peer pressure, because I'm a fool? Nope none of the above, I am inhaling to give the millions of Americans who choose to bitch over this, something to do. Think about it for a second, if those of you, that have nothing better to do except a bunch of whining about people smoking in public, would concentrate your thoughts on real issues in America or even yourself or your OWN problems like your marriage, or your financial debt we would be able to get a lot more done as a community or a state or a country. But your argument is that cigarettes kill people. Well I have news for you people what doesn't kill you these days. People are dying from sunbathing, drunk drivers, gang wars, hunger, sugar substitutes, abuse, obeisity, overdoses, war, heat stroke and so ,so much more. The bottom line is every thing gives you cancer these days, every one is going to die eventually. Weather its from cigarette smoke or from a extra value meal at a fast food joint. If you people would put your strength and energy into real American problems than our divorce rate would not be the highest it has ever been, the murder rate would not be as high as its ever been, our gas prices would not be as high as they have ever been. Come on people look at what you are really whining about and ask yourself if this is the best area to concentrate all your efforts. Maybe all of you complaining of smoking should open a foundation for missing kids or put together a petition on the energy bill to get prices down or maybe you should just get involved with your community to stop gang violence or get involved with yourself to save your marriage and your family. What I am saying is take a minute look at the big picture, no matter what your going to die, and I have already established that anything and everything now days will end up killing you so all your bitching about is having a few more precious seconds on this earth. WHY? Do you want to see more war, murder, broken homes. Well I sure as hell don't I would much rather spend my time with the MAN UP STAIRS than to see more violence and poverty. I mean I have four beautiful children and love them very much and they do make me happy but I live pay check to pay check and can never give them all they want or need. And I know that over half the population in this country is the same way. So no matter how much family you have or how much money you have unless of coarse your Oprah, this life is no where near fun and if all you have to do here on Earth is bitch about smoking you might as well visit the man upstairs because there so many more things you could actually focus on and make a difference with!!

patricia gallagher

Please Pass this law

I agree smoking in restaurants is health hazarous,  I think it should be passed thanks patsy


STILL marketing cigarettes to kids


Tobacco companies continue to buy advertising space in youth-oriented magazines, marketing cigarettes to kids in the United States in violation of a 1998 agreement, according to a report published in the August 16 edition of The New England Journal of Medicine.

The study found cigarette makers have kept up a high level of spending for magazine ads aimed at school-age kids, with four companies spending a total of $127 million last year to promote brands popular with youth.

Researchers said the amount spent to advertise brands in youth-oriented magazines increased immediately after the 1998 Master Settlement Agreement, the culmination of an attempt by 46 states to recover tobacco-related health-care costs.

Under the settlement, tobacco companies are prohibited from taking any action, directly or indirectly, to target youth in the advertising, promotion, or marketing of tobacco products.

Tobacco companies are not sticking with their commitment under the 1998 agreement, says James Standish, director of legislative affairs for the Seventh-day Adventist world church.

"This is another example of the tobacco industry circumventing the spirit of the settlement they made with the states," says Standish. "It brings into question whether an industry that survives by hooking children on a deadly product can ever be trusted."

Top United States cigarette maker, Philip Morris Inc., pledged in June 2000 that it would not advertise in magazines whose 12 to 17-year-old readers numbered more than 2 million or made up more than 15 percent of a magazine's readership.

Researchers, tracking the company's compliance with this agreement, found advertising spending on cigarettes in youth-orientated magazines increased to $67.4 million in the year following the settlement.

The findings suggest the tobacco settlement was a total failure in terms of protecting kids from cigarette advertising, said one the study's co-authors.

Statistics from the Centers for Disease Control show that some 3,000 children take up smoking every day. "That's more than 1 million a year, and the vast majority--around 90 percent--are going to be lifetime smokers," says Dr. Allan Handysides, director of health ministries for the Adventist Church.

For more than a century the Adventist Church has warned about the addictive and health-destroying nature of tobacco.

Cigarettes kill 430,000 people every year and as many as 50,000 die from passive smoking, says Dr. DeWitt Williams, health director for the church in North America. "That's more deaths caused by all illegal drugs combined."

"Smoking is the single most preventable cause of death in the United States," says Williams. "It's needless."

"It's bad news," says Handysides about the results of the study. "But you can't expect good news out of a tobacco company. The only good news would be if they stopped making cigarettes."


RE: Smoking ban in Virginia soon! ITS ABOUT TIME!!!

Sadly, businesses don't care about the health of their patrons, but when they finally figure out they are losing more customers when they allow smoking, it'll change. Hotels have already ralized that non-smokers are to their economic advantage--that's why the once rare non-smoking rooms are growing in numbers. Non-smokers, don't hesitate to tell smoky businesses why you DON'T patronize them!


Yes this smoking indoors must stop soon!!!

I am sick of all these addicts blowing smoke in my face....

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Ann Phelps

It sure is about time....


I am very excited to here about a smoking ban!

There are alot of places I avoid because of it. Places I loved going such as bars and the bowling alley.

Ann :)


But I Chew! I don't Smoke...


The effects of chewing tobacco on a teen. An overhead from the anti-tobacco assembly program, courtesy of the American Cancer Society.

Just because you see tobacco ads in magazines, and displays in convenience stores, it doesn't mean that tobacco is acceptable or safe. The world isn't perfect! So be smart — don't let these deceptive tobacco ads mislead you.

Chewing tobacco was popular around 1900, but after cigarettes became fashionable, less and less people used dip tobacco, and it nearly disappeared. By the 1950's and 60's, very few people chewed.

When the U.S. Tobacco Company began their ad campaign to re-launch their chewing tobacco products, they advertised on TV and in print media. But they did something few people knew about.

Earlier, I asked for a quick show of hands to see how many of you already knew that the tobacco companies pay stores around $100 per month, often more, to keep those displays of tobacco on their countertops, or just behind them. We saw that very few of you were aware of this.

US Tobacco and others paid grocery stores and convenience stores all across the nation huge amounts of money to place chewing tobacco displays on store countertops everywhere. Without those payments from Big Tobacco, countertop displays of tobacco products would quickly be removed.

Many of our young see tobacco displays every day, and have since they were very small. Do you remember seeing them?

Millions of kids got fooled. Day after day, month after month, year after year, seeing those displays in convenience stores, many were curious and eventually tried dip. Too many then became addicted and of course, regular customers. And U.S. Tobacco began making big profits.

Another problem with these displays was, it was far too easy for youth to steal cigarettes or chewing tobacco. They often faced conveniently away from the cashier, where tobacco was easy for kids to shoplift.

In some States, laws have been passed requiring stores to keep the displays behind the counter, out of reach. In some States, they are starting to cover them with plastic.

But the tobacco displays are still right on the countertops in many States. And either way, they are often at child eye level.


RE: Smoking ban in Virginia soon! Its about time....


If cigarette ads told the truth,
here's how they might look.

We've all seen the ads for Marlboro Country, with images of beautiful country scenes, wild horses galloping, and rugged, masculine cowboys around a fire, or on horseback. Well, if tobacco ads told the truth, here's what the real Marlboro Country might look like:

b Kool? How about Utter Fool! An overhead from Patrick Reynolds'  tobacco education and teen smoking prevention assembly program.

This is Malboro Country in the winter time for smokers

If tobacco advertising told the truth, Malboro Country would look like this. An overhead from Patrick Reynolds' teen smoking prevention and tobacco education assembly program.  

Notice that we see several smokers, outside their office building in the cold, getting their fix of nicotine — because they're addicted. They're not welcome inside the building. People just don't want to be around their smoke. Often it's not legal to smoke indoors, because second hand smoke can seriously hurt others.

The fact is, today three out of four people in the USA do not smoke. Think about this: today, being a nonsmoker is the norm.  All the Smart People Quit!

Well, if tobacco advertising told the truth, here's what Joe Camel would really look like: (Mr. Reynolds shows this anti-smoking slide.)

- Art by Adbusters -
If tobacco advertising told the truth, Joe Camel would look like this!  An overhead from The Truth About Tobacco, a live high school or middle school assembly program. Effective tobacco education for teen smoking prevention!

Joe is lying down, sick from smoking! He's got a needle in his arm to get the chemotherapy medicine, whose purpose is to cure, or at least slow down, his cancer. It made his hair fall out! His friends are all gone, he's all alone, and his days as an athlete are over. And he's in terrible, awful pain, and knows he's going to die.

Joe might be saying, "I wish I hadn't smoked. I conned a lot of kids into thinking smoking was cool, and I'm sorry! And I'm sorry I smoked. I'm dying of cancer. Just look at me now! Please — whatever you do, don't smoke!"

To order a full size Joe Chemo poster or postcards of their ads, call them directly at (800) 663-1243. Prices are reasonable -- and do ask about an ADBUSTERS magazine subscription.

Quitting Resources

If you want to talk to a live human being, and we can surely understand that, call the National Cancer Institute's free Smoking Quitline, 1-877-448-7848. Proactive counseling services by trained personnel will be provided in sessions both before and after quitting smoking.

Here at our site, check out our insightful Quitting Tips and also our Quitlinks page. Unlike many programs, we also prepare quitters for the period to follow, one to twelve months after quitting -- when the urge to smoke has largely died down. This is the time when most smokers light up again and get re-addicted. We think it's vital to read up about this on our Quitting Tips page; scroll down to the headline in large type, Phase 2. This information will truly help empower you to stay tobaccofree for good this time.

Also at our Quitting Tips page, you'll learn the classic, boilerplate points found in the best quit smoking programs, and you'll read about and see links to several of the best, proven smoking cessation programs.

You may think you don't need a program, but a recent CDC study shows that without using any program, quitters fail 95% of the time.

Another recent study comparing the patch and Zyban notes that after one year, users of the nicotine patch have a 15% success rate, and users of the anti-depressant Zyban (by prescription) have double the success rate -- 30%. In a separate study, one doctor used both the patch and Zyban simultaneously, and claimed a better than 35% success rate.

Even with Zyban, users still have a 70% failure rate -- so this is not simply a matter of taking a magic pill or wearing a patch. There are several very important boilerplate points for quitters to know about.

Here's a thought about using a program: the fact is, people who succeed best at life tend to get help. For example, a successful businessperson gets lots of help -- a lawyer to write the contracts, an ad agency to handle the advertising, an accountant to do the accounting, and so on. So people who succeed in reaching their goals get help, and plenty of it. Yes, real men do ask directions! And good students ask questions, too.

So check out our Quitting Tips and learn a little more about the basics of quitting. We also point you to several excellent programs out there, with no benefit to our group. Our Quitting Tips will be an invaluable tool, empowering you and helping you learn a bit more, so you will stop successfully this time.

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